Known for meticulous fretwork...
"Utilizing the "Neck Jig" since 2009; longer than any other shop in NJ."
* Be Aware: Just because other shops have a Neck Jig doesn't mean they use it proficiently *
The days of dressing frets only to remove fret wear are long gone. D’Angelo Guitars’ Fret Leveling techniques corrects all inconsistencies, from poor workmanship to normal neck settling due to aging and string tension. Your guitar's frets are the core of it's capabilities, which means that a setup and play-ability are only as good as the frets allow.
The other guys...
Other guitar repair shops typically still perform fret work using traditional methods. The strings are removed releasing all tension from the neck and the truss rod is loosened in an attempt to adjust the neck straight. However, with a loose truss rod the non-tensioned neck takes on a different contour than one adjusted with string tension. Furthermore there is no solid foundation to perform fret work as the guitar neck flexes throughout the leveling process, causing slight inconsistencies. The results are less than desirable and possibly a compromised setup that may require increased string height and neck relief; raising the overall action. Although this method has produced fairly acceptable results in the past, it is hit or miss and results in a less than optimal fret job.
D'Angelo Guitars' Method...
For all fretwork the guitar neck is first optimally adjusted, whether straight or slightly off center, depending on how it settled over the years. This must be done so under normal string tension and in the playing position. It is the ultimate position during fret work, Period! Attempting to adjust a guitar neck without string tension may come close, but it will not cause the neck to take on the exact same contour. It is not, and cannot be the same. The key is simulated string tension with the strings removed. How is this achieved? Enter the "Neck Jig".
How the "Neck Jig" works...
D'Angelo Guitars has been using the "Neck Jig" since 2009; longer than any other shop in NJ. The "Neck Jig" allows the exact position of an optimally adjusted guitar neck to be recorded using precision dial indicators. Once the strings are removed the "Neck Jig" makes it possible to return the guitar neck exactly where it was previously recorded by recreating that exact string tension. The entire length of the neck is supported to maintain this position from start to finish. It makes perfect sense to perform all fret work in this manner. This process is especially important for guitar refrets because it eliminates guesswork concerning fret compression, an aspect of refrets often neglected by repairmen unfamiliar with the concept. Fret Compression is the stiffening of the neck that occurs during fret installation and has a direct affect on effectiveness of the truss rod function as well as sustain. These methods undoubtedly sets the foundation for a great guitar setup, which will set your guitar apart from the rest. It is a must for achieving any desired action and minimal string buzz with a minimally required neck relief. A little O.C.D.? Maybe. The job is concluded with perfectly crowned frets that undergo several polishing stages resulting in a mirror shine for clean tone and precise intonation. What are you waiting for?